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The Boy Scout Who Thought He Was Tintin

As with many great fictional heroes, there are several possible models who may or may not have inspired the character of the brave boy reporter Tintin. But one of the most likely was a Danish youngster named Palle Huld, (33) __________ to travel around the world in imitation of Jules Verne’s Phileas Fogg. In his case, he was given just 46 days to accomplish the feat, wasn’t allowed a companion and was forbidden to travel by aeroplane. Nevertheless, Huld managed it in 44 days. Nor was it only his age and dauntless spirit (34) __________. It was also his appearance. He had freckles, a snub nose and unruly bright-red hair.

Huld, (35) __________, was chosen from applicants, and set off among a storm of publicity in March. His voyage was not without mishaps, yet he made it home – much to the relief of his poor mother, (36)__________ during her boy’s absence to help her cope with the stress.

The following year, the enterprising Huld wrote his own account of his adventures, A Boy Scout Around the World, (37) __________. His travels around the globe apparently gave him a taste for fame, too. He went on to become a distinguished actor, (38) __________, including Three Men In Search of a Troll.

Варіанти відповідей на тест:
  • which was translated into several languages

  • who at the age of 15 won a competition

  • who had been prescribed sleeping pills

  • that influenced his decision

  • who was then working in an automobile dealership

  • appearing in some 40 films

  • that made him a truthful model for Tintin

  • making his wishes come true