Питання до тесту:

Read the text below. Choose from (A—H) the one which best fits each space (17—22). There are two choices you do not need to use.

Do School Libraries Still Need Books?

In an era of Internet research and downloadable books, some educators question the need for printed collections

An online library cannot replace the unique collection of resources that I — like many school librarians — have built over a period of years (17) ______ of my students, faculty, and the school's curriculum.

One of my primary responsibilities as a librarian is to teach information-literacy skills — including defining research questions, avoiding plagiarism, and documenting sources. In my experience, this works best face-to-face with students. That personal interaction is supported by the electronic availability of materials but (18) ______ .

Librarians also encourage reading, which (19) ______ . Focused reading is more likely to occur with printed books than with online material.

Today's students shouldn't miss out on the unique pleasure of getting lost in a physical book. Research shows that the brain functions differently when (20) ______ , and different formats complement different learning styles.

Unlike an e-reader or a laptop, which may provide access to many books but (21) ______ , a printed book is a relatively inexpensive information-delivery system that is not dependent on equipment, power, or bandwidth for its use.

One of the beauties of libraries is that we keep up with new technologies, but (22) ______ . We don't have to choose between technology and printed books, and we shouldn't.

Librarians also encourage reading, which (19) ______ .

Варіанти відповідей на тест:
  • it's a simple matter for a savvy to find them

  • we also hold on to the old things that work well

  • is crucial to student success

  • to serve the specific needs

  • Eis limited to a single user

  • reading online versus reading a book

  • provide several chapters to read free

  • is not replaced by it