Питання до тесту:

Read the text below. For questions (6-10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

How to Make an impressive Speech

Having a tough time deciding on what persuasive speech topics to talk about? Don’t sweat it. First, you must know your target audience very well. Know their age, sex. educational attainments and career experiences. Find out what their beliefs, dreams and goals are. What keeps them excited or awake at night? If possible, know their personal, cultural, social, religious and political backgrounds. This will prevent you from saying something that might be offensive to a particular race or culture.

Then, based on the information gathered from your audience, make a list of persuasive speech ideas that might fit their personality, status or background. Remember that the worst thing you could do is deliver a boring speech, so try to come up with controversial yet useful themes. Make persuasive speech topics that will benefit your audience. Remember people are always thinking of "WIIFM" (What’s In It For Me?). If they do not see any good results or advantages for listening to your speech, they will not be interested or responsive.

Choosing your topics, check those items that you either are an authority on or are very familiar with. Your audience will look up to people with authority. If they perceive you as someone who is an expert on a subject, they would be more likely to listen to you and accept your viewpoints.

Do proper research over the Internet and libraries to come up with your persuasive speech ideas. During your research, take note of the most interesting or helpful facts relevant to your audience. Keep an open mind and relate how your research can solve their problems or improve any aspect of their life.

Some people are naturally skeptical, so make your statements well-grounded: gather statistics, facts, presentations, case studies or true stories. Make sure you note the source or reference.

Finding persuasive speech topics is easy if you follow the guidelines above.

According to the text, which is the first thing you should do to impress the audience?

Варіанти відповідей на тест:
  • Wake them up with a shocking statement.

  • Share your views and opinions with them.

  • Know the people who you speak to.

  • Find out if you are of similar background.